The random ramblings of a French programmer living in Norway...
  Second life
Sun 5th November 2023   
This is the final episode of this adventure: The vehicle has been sold and is now living happily in France.

Let's rewind and explain all that!

  Flood Fill
Sat 4th November 2023   
Today we will see how to convert a complicated algorithm from BASIC to C, then to 6502 assembler, and the optimization process involved.

It all started when Goyo asked in September 2021 if anyone had a fast floodfill routine to share.

  Encounter and unfinished projects
Mon 14th August 2023   
When I started working on the Encounter upgrade project, I received equal parts of interest and also deep interrogations. With this article I hope giving some context and make my motivations clearer!

  Time Commando - The Saturn version
Tue 7th March 2023   
When Time Commando is mentioned, the PC and PlayStation versions are the first that comes to mind. These two were built internally at Adeline Software and where released around the same time.

But this is not the only version: There is a Saturn version of the game, published by Acclaim for the Japanese market.